The Monsters Come

By Chris Bunton Every morn, the monsters come.They come to attack my day.Every morn it’s the same,and every day, they strive away. The skeletons from closets scream,while vampires claw from crypts.They draw and draw until I am spent.Every day they come. The Monsters come. Ghosts of words unsaid,and desires of demons ripping.Wraiths of past thingsContinue reading “The Monsters Come”

A Terrible Christian

By Chris Bunton I’m a terrible Christian. It’s a fact. Other Christians look at me and say “He said what?” or “He believes what?”  Or they might say, “That’s not very Christ-like.” And it’s true. I sin wickedly. But, they do also. They just commit the socially acceptable sins. They commit the churchy sins.     Continue reading “A Terrible Christian”

Christian Environmentalism

I love God’s creation. I believe that He created mankind to “Dress and Keep it” (Gen.2:15) we are to take care of and protect God’s creation. That is one of the first commandments He gave mankind. It is our original purpose on Earth. We are to walk with our Creator, to have a relationship withContinue reading “Christian Environmentalism”